Wednesday, August 25, 2010

‘Climate Change Chat Session’ Educator Resource List - Hawaii

‘Climate Change Chat Session’ Educator Resource List

Thank you for attending today’s event. Below is a preliminary list of organizations and websites that offer useful educator resources for climate change and environmental science lesson plans and activities. Please enjoy your perusal of them; we hope they prove useful in your curriculum development.

Climate Change and Science Resources

Organization/Site Name Description/Link
National Geographic Environmental science lesson plans and activities:

Smithsonian Institute Lessons on science, environment and other topics. You can search by state standard:

The Educator’s Reference Desk Lessons on Environmental Education:

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Activities and projects on climate change and environmental stewardship:

NASA Lessons on climate; click “Earth Science” then “Environment”:

United States Global Change Research Program Interactive media about climate change:

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence Great climate change and science resources:

Children in a Changing Climate A broad list climate change resources

Take Interactive climate change timeline:

Michigan Reach Out Great list of Earth Science Lessons:

Carnegie Mellon University Teacher’s Guide to High Quality Educational Materials on Climate Change and Global Warming:

Climate Change Resource for climate change education:

North American Association for Environmental Education Climate Change and Environmental Studies resources:

Teaching Climate Change Law and Policy High school climate change law and policy lessons:

BGCI- Plants for the Planet List of links to additional resources:

Classroom Materials! Every teacher should know about By writing in about your classroom needs you can have everything from school supplies to fieldtrips donated to your class:

IHTEC Preventing Climate Change

How does IHTEC and the ISPG program help to prevent climate change curriculum?

"IHTEC's ISPG program is an ideal program for teaching the effects of climate change which is a positive and practical. PDK Hawaii/ Hawaii School Peace Gardens are well underway with IHTEC's program. Some ideas for the ISPG program include:

1. All School Peace Gardens are a place of conflict resolution, which includes solving climate change crisis with hands on sustained action."

2. In an ISPG teachers can teach and plant their local Biodiversity; growing food for security of all, plant food for migrating species esp birds that live on the Hawaii islands; showcasing alternative energy use in the garden as well as in the school; monitoring sea level rise; studying species loss and dead zones in the oceans; removal of invasive species on land, work with NGO's that focus on Marine, Oceans, Coastal, Food etc.

3. Climate Change Curriculum needs to be taught at all levels of education, to ensure that it is achieved and continued until we have the planet sustainable again, this change must be achieved soon. Educators have taken much to long to achieve this educational change and IHTEC commends this initiative. Schools and educators have a huge role to play in the future of this planet.

4. IHTEC has realized that as climate change curriculum development is needed globally, we are suggesting that the International School Peace Gardens or something like it needs to set up a system of educational change, where everyone participates, at all levels of society. This includes public education.

Climate Change & Consumerism Teachers Module

July 5, 2010


Some ideas for action on climate change, after a discussion on the science of carbon emissions, and weather and their effects on the planet, set students into groups to discuss the following:

1. Choose six of the following and then choose six items that can be bought and then thrown away, that create carbon emissions, from
       i. Food
       ii. Water
       iii. Energy
       iv. Building a home
       v. Used in the kitchen
       vi. Beds and bedding
       vii. Clothing
       viii. Toys

2. Find out your ecological footprint on each of the items chosen and track them over the next year. This to be done by the whole class.

3. Identify how the media influences your choices, as to your purchases.

4. Trace the items journey from cradle to cradle. If the resource is not able to be reused, then make suggestions on how to redesign it.

5. Learn how to be thrifty and find 10 ways to re-use the resource.

6. How much of your chosen items can currently be re-cycled.

Climate Change Curriculum R-12 - List of Headings

Climate Change Curriculum
Written by Julia Morton-Marr
IHTEC Founding President

July 4, 2010

This list of subject areas have been developed for the Climate Change Curriculum brainstorming session in Hawaii with Maya Soetoro-Ng, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Oahu, Hawaii, USA.

Please ask these questions of all educators:

“What have we taught and/or not taught to create the current situation of massive industrial climatic change.”

Here are a few topics which need to be cross referenced re climate change curriculum and ask how each one relates to CO2.

Climate Change (CC) &
1. Transportation and Roads
2. Consumerism or Resource Depletion.
3. Economics
a. $ of the destructive action
b. $ of savings and cost effectiveness of attending to Climate Change
c. Document lifestyles $ - How can I maintain my lifestyle.

Reality check re fear involved with islands disappearing.

4. Advertising
a. Corporation
b. Government at all levels and how they are focusing on helping people adapt to CC
5. Global Commons
a. Energy - and Alternative energy
b. Arctic: ie: melting bogs giving off methane, ice on land = sea level rise etc
c. Oceans - Check on plankton and marine grasses for when they die they produce more methane (greenhouse gasses); also of all marine life, dead zones, oil spills and animals losing their habitat such as the Polar Bears.
d. Space - There is a lot of talk about moving people off planet earth, but at this time this is not practical.
i. As space junk increases much more we might not be able to get off the planet for example.
e. Ozone - still a compounding problem.
f. Water: use the water dedication for schools.
i. humans are already over the planet's footprint, we must keep water where is it to keep the hydrological cycle working.
ii. Greater care of all rivers and streams which all run into oceans.
iii. Study aquifers and the importance of underground rivers
g. Air : Pollution: Increasing fires (Victoria in Australia)
h. Science of the process of carbon emissions. The effects of some less discussed ones like bromide which is 100x worse than chlorine.
i. Name the gasses.
ii. What produces them?
iii. How do they interact?
iv. How long do they last in the atmosphere? CO2 lasts 100 years. It compounds and what we feel now is not what is in the atmosphere. There is a 10 years lag before the disappearance of CO2.
v. How can I prevent this happening?
i. Soil: protect and replant complete Eco-systems, buy the remaining forests for the protection of the planet, for when they are gone we will be gone. This includes bio-carbon sequestration to make fertile soils and other forms of gardening and farming?

j. Discuss the some of the unintended consequences.
k. Weather and Storms are on the increase - these are being well taught with regards to curriculum in schools, I think.

6. Climate Change and Maslows Basic Needs

7. Food - The world has approx between 40 - 59 days of food available for the population. This will decrease due to climate change. Hawaii has only two weeks of food at any one time.

a. Peace - This is essential for sustainability.

8. Deserts: Everyone needs to know how to live in a desert as the planet heats up.

Sustainability Education curriculum headings:

9. Values - we use Maslow
10. Society & World Geography
11. Environmental Science
12. Human Impacts
13. Population increase
14. Affluence/Poverty
15. Technology
16. Peace

A few phrases for you:
• All products to be considered from ‘cradle to cradle’.
• THRIFT is a way of being
• Reuse all resources that you can.
• Know your footprint and reduce it.
• No Pollution is a Solution.
• Share what you have with others. (This will become a necessity so teach it NOW)
• Keep Poisons out of the global commons.
• Less not more
• Buy and use what you need not want
• Remember that plastics come from oil.
• Ask ‘How does this affect all species” as humans are only one of these.
• Affect positive change
• Think “Does this COOL the Planet”
• Use IHTEC’s International School Peace Gardens program.

ISPG Planning your garden


1. Plan and Select a suitable site for your Peace Garden or Peace Tree. Contact your local Board of Education before you plan, for information on site management. Check with the grounds management to ensure you are clear of pipes and wires underground. Contact local City Parks for their help.

2. Plant your peace garden supporting local migrating species. Create a land laboratory and learn about the plants and their eco-systems. Learn about local seeds for vegetables. Make a list of all the plants and their uses. The peace garden is 'a place for peace', symbolic of our hope for the future of World Peace and a Sustainable environment, as a living legacy to UNESCO's 'A Culture of Peace' 'Decade of Education for Sustainable Development' for the present and the future!

3. Register your involvement in the International Peace Gardens Programs at Click on the GOLD Register button. Follow the links and fill in the form. This form comes directly to IHTEC.

4. Meet with Julia Morton-Marr (on line or in person – depending on your location) as a staff to discuss how to incorporate the curriculum. Following are some ideas:

a. Each child creates his/her idea of peace – pictures, posters, dioramas, mobiles, etc. Display their work around the school. This is a whole school project, which is ongoing over many years.

5. Incorporate Peace Values for the Classroom (see Appendix 4) as an integrated part daily routine in the class
a. Share space
b. Share materials
c. Use only words that contribute to harmony
d. Share insights and ideas
e. Respect viewpoints of others
f. Ask for discussion when uncertainties occur

6. Each class walks the grounds to decide what the location will be (within Board of Education limitations). Children each design a garden (incorporating math, science, art). From these designs each class proposes a single design before developing a class model. All the class designs are posted and the best of each is incorporated into the final school design for the garden.

7. Draw up a plan for implementation. Start small and build/grow. Note: Your garden minimally will include two friendship benches and one peace or sacred tree, and a path of peace, peace signs, students sculptures, then dance, sing and perform within your peace garden.

8. Brainstorm ideas with students, staff, parents with respect to other sustainability ideas, such as solar energy, conservation of water and transportation.

9. Students create slide shows of their plan for fund-raising.

10. Dedicate your Peace Garden, or Peace Tree with a suitable ceremony on any suitable day, or as part of 'United Nations Day' in October or on 'World Environment Day' in June. Include students art, song, dance and sculpture.

11. Include / invite the mayor, local MPs and MPPs, and local First Nations (eg: peace pipe ceremony or stories and dance depicting peace).

12. Re-dedicate your Peace Garden or Peace Tree annually to ensure that new staff and students understand the importance of the garden and how it focuses on Global Commons issues and the levels of sustainability:
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Earth Charter – Environment
d. Impact = P x A x T. (Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren 1970)
         i. P – Population
        ii. A – Affluence / Poverty
        iii. T – Technology

13. Use the ISPG logo on all your document and send copies to IHTEC.

14. Create a booklet of the history of your Peace Garden. Communicate via you own Peace Garden News sending it to your local newspaper, neighbourhood schools, parents, government members, churches and your schools neighbours. This will help with donations from your local community.

15. Create a Blog. Create and link in audio podcasts and youtube video to share your stories, ideas and progress. Send IHTEC your Blog url so that we can create a link to

a. Include the following:
i. Photos of the process from the beginning. Label them and include dates.
ii. A showcase of the children's work and community involvement.
iii. The effect of the garden on behaviour in the school and academic results.
iv. The process of fundraising and the final cost.

Please, send a copy to:
Julia Morton-Marr IHTEC'S International School Peace Gardens,
3343 Masthead Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1G9
Email: Website:

ISPG - Protecting the Global Commons ideas



A whole school approach

Written by Julia Morton-Marr

What are the Global Commons?

The concept of the ‘commons’ came from villages in England where the centre of the village is a grassed area. Each member of the community could graze their cattle on the green. However the natural balance had to be monitored before the carrying capacity was exceeded, and the usefulness of the commons was ruined.

The Global Commons refers to concepts around the biosphere use of planet earth. IHTEC uses the Council on Global Issues (CGI) whose concepts which include: scientific primary values, Eco-system health, soil, water, oceans, species, energy, space, atmosphere, international relations, population, consumerism, technology, and media. IHTEC has developed an education module for each of these. As the people on earth have created the 6th extinction, all education is now seen as ‘education for sustainability’, which is essential for all species in the ‘web of life’ on earth.

The role of the International School Peace Gardens program is to protect the Global Commons, through Global Sustainability Education (GSE) is very significant. The school and it’s community can help promote sustainability with Local Governments in their towns worldwide.

What is Global Sustainability Education (GSE)?

IHTEC has developed the use of Global Sustainability Education around current curriculum content. See

You will find three sides. The first describes GSE from the CGI perspective; the second explains how the IHTEC curriculum fits into the first; and the third explains how subject areas around the peace garden fit with the first GSE slide.

How can the ISPG programme, promote GSE?

1. Register your school with IHTEC on-line.
2. Hold a dedication ceremony in your school’s peace garden to initiate actions to solve global commons issues at the local level. (See the dedications on water and biodiversity) Invite local government representatives.
3. Contact your local government to see what areas you can help them with, regarding the global commons.
4. Encourage the formation of a Data-Base at Local Government level, for gathering all environmental programs within schools and community groups. This is to ensure that a variety of activities are achieved.
5. When planting your peace garden ensure that all of the designs and development of the garden resolves past or present conflicts in your area. ie: water, waste, food security, Eco-system protection, food for migrating species, coastal protection and ocean monitoring.
6. Develop strategies with students and the school community, for using the peace garden as a stimulus for writing about their problems.

7. Re-evaluate your curriculum to ensure all that is taught uses the ‘Precautionary Principal’ and focuses on the unintended consequences, to protect the survival of the ‘web of life’ on the global commons.
8. Links your current curriculum through an integrated study approach, to the global commons.
9. Builds on solutions for the global commons by asking how the issue studied affects other areas of the global commons. Peace and the Environment cannot be separated.

Environmental Integrity
10. Test the soil in your ISPG before you plant your peace garden, for proper soil balance. This is the same mixture of substances that are required for human nutrition.
11. Plant a ‘Bush Tucker’(Australia) Garden or plant your local bio-diversity. Label each species.
12. Bring copies of household water bills to school and work on reduction of water costs in every household in the community. House points for achievable results.
13. Invent ways to conserve more water: Create a card for the points in the ‘water dedication’. ie: “shower in 3 minutes”. Sign it at your dedication ceremony.
14. Use the ISPG to learn how to recycle water. Give house points to families who recycle their water.
15. Hold celebrations and discussions in your ISPG of United Nations Days, especially around Global Commons concerns, such as Bio-diversity day and UN International Bio-Diversity Year 2010.
16. Use solar and wind energy in your peace garden, this could also extend to your buildings, in their design and management, water heating etc.
17. Build your own solar car and race it.
18. Know what substances deplete the ozone and encourage all families remove substances from their homes that cause harm.
19. Encourage the school to check and use cleaning supplies that protect the ‘web of life’. Remove all environmental pollutants. This too could involve all families.
20. Collect natural seeds and work with Dept of Environment or Natural Resources on seed collection. Plant a section of your ISPG with original seed stock.
21. Count the number of species in the garden, all kinds.
22. Leave a section of the ground free of activity, and monitor how the soil replenishes itself.

Societal Integrity
23. By using music and the arts to create songs, rap music using major sentences or catch phrases such as:
“There’s nowhere to throw away to!”
24. Reduce consumerism in every way possible.
25. Conflict resolution will be most important if we are to prevent wars.
a. Discuss the role of peace in yourselves, your school and community, and how your country as a member of the UN, participates in peacebuilding in the world.
26. If your country is a member of the United Nations, then you are member of the United Nations.
27. Create a school website to upload all the achievements as part of your ISPG.
28. Encourage new car owners in the district to purchase hybrid (lower fuel use) vehicles.
29. Food Security: Plant various food gardens: pizza garden, three sisters garden.
30. Only plant seeds that are not genetically modified.
31. Plant migrating species food and monitor who visits. This includes you as part of the Creature Corridors module.
32. Encourage non-pollution of the rivers in your area. Work with river and streams organizations. This is part of the Watershed Peace Pathways module.
33. Encourage non-pollution of the oceans in your area. Work with coastal and marine organizations in your area. This is part of the Marine Peace Parks module.
34. IHTEC encourages the protection of our Children’s Health in their Environment.
35. Remove all use of plastics near food (plastics produce estrogen).

Conflict Resolution
36. Build two friendship benches, in a ‘V’ shape, to be used for conflict resolution.
37. Protect local endangered species of all kinds.
38. Use the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler.

UN International Law; Local Environmental Laws.
39. Log onto the ‘Earth Charter’, download, read, discuss and distribute it. Register your support on-line. The Earth Charter has be approved by UNESCO at their conference between October 30 - November 30, 2004. The IUCN World Congress endorsed it on November 24, 2004. IHTEC endorsed it in 2003.
40. Check local government By-Laws to ensure that they are “Protecting the Earth for Children”.

The Arts
41. We suggest that a visible outcome of the expression of the above items, could be reflected in the peace garden. Children may use language arts and performing arts, which can also can be presented in the peace garden.

42. Create your own “Peace Garden News”.

ISPG - Benefits for schools


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PEACE GARDENS is an exciting and innovative Canadian Educational Program that invites every young person, in every school in the world to become involved in creating a better future for the planet. Schools are invited to plan, plant, dedicate a peace tree, peace garden, or peace park. ISPG supports schools existing curriculum in peace education, conflict resolution, environmental studies, inter-cultural understanding, and the arts. We encourage the school community to use their peace garden, as often as possible. ISPG has many educational and social benefits:

For Children it offers:
• Cooperation, friendship and support.
• Solutions to bullying and other life problems;
• Participation in a positive and nurturing activity;
• Greater awareness and tolerance;
• Physical and spiritual involvement;
• Skills development in Presentation and Fund Raising;
• Electronic sharing of ideas with other ISPG schools;
• Real world application in Design, Language Arts, Music and Art.

For Teachers it offers:
• Curriculum linkages;
• Peace Education training and materials;
• Earth Charter and Ecological Footprint Information;
• Ideas for Education in Peacebuilding, Human Security and Sustainability Education;

For Schools it offers:
• Increased awareness for the protection of the school environment;
• Development of a caring and supportive school culture;
• Evolution of a stewardship ethic amongst students and staff;
• Program Continuity within a school with changing Principals;
• Community building; and
• An enhanced community image;

International School Peace Gardens has:
• Letters of support from the Governor General of Canada, His Holiness Pope John Paul II, the Minister of Foreign Affairs both in Canada and Australia, other Ministries of Education, schools and universities in Canada, Australia, Mexico, UNESCO MAB, Council on Global Issues;
• Awarded Official ECOSOC Special Status at the United Nations.
• Awarded: 1/1000 PeaceWomen Across the Globe for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.
• Nominated for the Hague Appeal for Peace Prize in 2001.
• Awarded YMCA Canada Peace Medal in 1998;
• Added by the 'Hague Appeal for Peace' to its 'best practices' list;
• Been the focus of a “TVO Teacher of the Year Award”- St. Agnes School, Chatham, Ontario. Received very kind support from major industries, local businesses, community groups and many volunteers.
• Distributed information to members countries at the United Nations, NY;
• Offered countries their own individual choice of ISPG programs.
• Expanded from Ontario, Canada to 37 countries.
• Involved many students worldwide.

The ISPG program has helped schools to reduce bullying, vandalism and violence.

Climate Change & Energy Roundtable

To find information on the outcomes of the Science for Peace / Canadian Pugwash Roundtable on Climate Change & Energy visit

also look for Climate Change footprints on

International School Peace Gardens Dedication

International School Peace Garden Dedication

I................................................................................................................... dedicate this International School Peace Garden at..........................................................................................(school name) to peace within ourselves, peace in our school, peace in our families and community, peace with nature, peace with the global family. May each tree become a sacred tree to help us breathe. May each plant feed migrating and local species.

I dedicate myself today to:

1. Clean up my environment HERE where I am.

2. Solve conflicts on our friendship benches.

3. Plant natural species that nurture and feed our environment.

4. Celebrate using the arts in our Peace Garden.

5. Re-dedicate our peace garden every new school year.

6. Invite new Principals, teachers and students to understand why we have a peace garden.

7. Share with hospitality this peace garden with our community, parents, grand-parents, uncles and aunty's. Invite then to sign the visitors book.

8. Share your International School Peace Garden with schools 'Pay it forward' to all nearby schools.



Instructions: The “ISPG Dedication” is a great example of action on sustainability for individuals, teachers can use it for teaching, religious groups, students and their communities can distribute, read, sign, keep and frame the dedication, as they dedicate themselves in their peace garden. Other documents are available on

ISPG Water Dedication

ISPG Water Dedication
Supported by
Canadian Pugwash and Science for Peace
Expert Roundtable on Water, Nov. 2008

I ..........................................................................................................................................................
from ................................................................................................................. dedicate myself as a
trustworthy person to protecting freshwater wherever I am in the world. I understand that I am 80% water, that water is sacred for the web of life in this time of climate change, which is heating the planet. I will endeavor to:

1. Understand that where climate change is increasing the rate of evaporation there will be more rain. Where world precipitation is decreasing, there will be less rain and less fresh water.

2. Keep the planet cool with all my actions.

3. Reduce my water footprint, as Nature needs it to prime the pump for the hydrological cycle.

4. Keep water where it is on planet earth returning water to water courses.

5. Protect rivers and streams from pollution.

6. Build rain water tanks to collect water for the garden and household needs. Plant lawn cover and garden species that can grow with no or only minimal water other than rain water.

7. Wash my car with a bucket, not a hose. Wait until the next rainstorm -- this saves more water.

8. Drink tap water wherever it is safe. Boil water otherwise.

9. Remove water in plastic bottles (8 & 9 messages are brought to you by David Suzuki and the Canadian Federation of Municipalities)

10. Wash dishes by hand where possible, with the plug in the sink. Run the dishwasher only when fully loaded, after 8 pm.

11. Turn off the tap when brushing my teeth; use a low-flush toilet or reduce flushes; take a 3 minute shower.

12. Conserve electricity as it takes water to generate your power and power to pump water to my tap. Encourage my family, school & community to share their water bills to see how much we can reduce together.

13. Share water with all species.

14. Work with your politicians.


Instructions: The “Water Dedication” is a great example of action on sustainability for Earth Day, April 22, 2009. Individuals, teachers can use it for teaching, religious groups, students and their communities can distribute, read, sign, keep and frame the dedication, as they dedicate themselves in their peace garden to water conservation.