Volcano Kiln Workshop
Monday, March 24, 2008 - Friday, March 28, 2008
Kowalke Residence
53-4177 Akoni Pule Highway
Kapaau, Hawaii 96755
Peter Kowalke
Phone: 808-937-7556
Email: peterantrim@gmail.com
Yesterday my friend John Southworth, invited a group of us to meet and participate if we can in his 'holiday' at the Volcano Kiln Workshop held on the northern point of the big island called Hawaii. This is the island where there is an active volcano. I 'google earth' to find out where they were and did a 'print screen' on my computer, so that I could insert it into a slide show.
John introduced me to Hugh Jenkins and Peter Kowalai, who are running the workshop.
"Hugh works with Ohio Valley Creative Energy www.ohiovalleycreativeenergy.org on sustainable equipment design and is a founding member of the BioGlass Group www.bioglass.org . For more information on Hugh, please visit: www.bigislandglass.com " from Hugh's bio.
Peter Kowalke, a local artist originally from Oahu, now resides on the Big Island and is a painter, sculptor and ceramicist. Young students and community members work together learning about local ecology, history, culture, science and much more as they create public works of art. Each project and resulting artwork emphasizes the island ecosystems and a holistic psychology based in the belief of "interconnectedness." For more information about Peter's fine art and community works go to www.artinsight.us and www.artinsight.us/hiddenjewels (community work).
A young university student from Hawaii, who is an artist, who hopes to learn how to blow glass more sustainably. This is because of the new way of re-capturing the heat from the kilm. Each participant will be helping in building the kiln. I wonder if they will also create a pot with the volcanic earth, and then fire them in the kiln?
John is hoping to be able to document the process in nicenet, using digital photos and individual stories. Maybe I can write a few ideas for schools on sustainability.
What an unexpected invitation to participate via the webcam. I am so thankful.
Update: John and I did a powerpoint presentation with is uploaded into