Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Time - Bees & Honey

Hallo Sam

Hurray. It is Spring Time again. The snow is beginning to melt here and soon the birds will migrate back for the summer. The winter silence causes me to be sad. Triple glazed windows protect us from the environment outside. So I welcome the sounds of life as spring approaches.

In Spring the bees start their outside work again, when the flowers bloom. Bees don't hibernate in the winter, they snuggle together in a ball, constantly moving their bodies to keep the temperature at 90o F or 32.2o C. A beehive has between 20,000 and 30,000 bees.

Did you have honey for breakfast? Well this morning I ate the lifetime work of several dozen worker bees. What I eat in 1 year takes bees 55,000 miles or 8,8513 kms. They visit about 2 million flowers a year. One worker bee produces 1/12 teaspoon in its lifetime.

The queen bee lays 1,500 eggs a day and is the only bee to lay eggs.

How many times does a bee flap its wings in a minute? 11,000 times.

How fast does a bee fly? Ans: 15 miles per hour while it visits between 50 - 100 blossoms per trip.

How much honey can a hive create in a day? 2 lbs of honey.

So please look after the bees. They work hard for all of us.


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