Dear friends
Earth Day today. What did you do?
I had a very exciting invitation to attend the launch of the United Nations in Canada, "The Ripple Effect Ontario - Youth Statement on Conserving and Protecting Ontario Water." The had created beautiful display panels as a backdrop for the event. Some young people from the Youth4Water also were there.
A First Nations woman sang us their water songs with a drum and told us their sacred water story. Then a large group of youth read out their statement with their leader, Dagna. There were a number of speakers and important politicians in the room.
So here are a few things to remember that you can do.
1. Visit the UNAC Ripple Effect website:
2. Check on my blog for the 'Water Dedication' that I wrote, for you to sign and put on your fridge. This has been seen by the water scientists. If you would like to contact any of the scientists and I will gladly ask them to connect with you.
3. Re-visit the Murray River Slide Show for South Australia which is some of the results of my research with the University of South Australia. They are still having a drought, even though there has been some rain, it is not enough. It is on this link:
Look for - Murray-Darling Basin Crisis Presentation
4. Also just under this is the link to the Freshwater Roundtable where all the academic papers, slide shows and program is.
*** Please follow this link for the *COMPLETE LIST* of the Expert RoundTable's Presentations and Documents ***
5. Here is the outcome statement from the Science for Peace / Canadian Pugwash, Global Issues Project, Expert Round Table on Water.
4. The IHTEC water curriculum is on the same page at this link. It is a 76 pg document.
This has been designed by our German web designer, Eric Schneider, who is the online Youth Leader. He designed it as a postive newspaper for schools and communities to enable learning about water issues and their relationships with the 'web of life'. It contains many web links, and positive things to do for communities.
Please look after your water. Keep it in the water cycle where you are.
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