Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Earth Poles for Peace and Sustainability Education

Carving Wooden Earthpoles
Representing Peace and Sustainability logos and slogans.

These can also be made into Peace Poles with a few words, see below.

1. Use a wood that is suitable to the area that you live in, that will not be destroyed.

2. The pole to focus on items that you have achieved in your school for environment and peace. ie: aquaculture, food security plants

3. Tells about your school’s story so far, in educating for peace and sustainability.

4. Design a peace logo for your school

5. Use local myths and legends

6. Use the International School Peace Gardens logo

7. Represents sustainability in your school, district, province/state or country.

a. Energy and Exergy – Sun ie: have a solar panel imbedded in the pole, which can run a pump which will run water up through a hole, in a rock on the ground. Add a plaque that says what is happening.

b. Alternative power – solar, geothermal and wind

c. Food security – Tomato, corn, taro, ginger, coconut, rice etc

d. Water – Rivers and streams, with local species

e. Oceans – local fish, coral

f. Sacred or peace trees – all trees are sacred

g. Weather - Increasing storms

h. Protection of all local species

i. Write "May Peace Prevail on Earth" and join the network of 'Peace Poles' around the Earth.
See Website: http://www.worldpeace.org  and  http://www.peacepoleproject.org/

Peace Slogans:

a. Protect the Web of Life
b. Rights with Responsibilities
c. Rescue Planet Earth and Respect the Global Family
d. Build friendships and community
e. Inter - Cultural Friendships now
f. Prevent pollution
g. Consume according to need.
h. “No way to throw away to”
i. Ecological Footprint - Reduce Resource Use
j. Conserve Energy - Invent Solutions
k. Carbon Dioxide heats the planet
l. Climate Change - Melting Ice - Prevent sea level rise
m. Protect the Arctic
n. Use Solar & Wind for Energy
o. Procreate moderately
p. Educate others.

Written by Julia Morton-Marr, IHTEC: February 25th, 2011.

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